With the aid of strong content marketing you can take better ownership of the relationship with your buyers and other stakeholders throughout the various stages of purchasing behaviour. In our agency we really know how to properly motivate, because we really know your customers very well. In addition to this we make use of our own powerful database of 59,000 potential customers coming from a variety of different congress products and also engage customers through the channel of our own internationally recognized Kongres magazine. Using our tools, you will be able to access your customers cheaper and faster.
CBV content marketing & storytelling
We have been creating congress stories since 2006, circulating 42 issues of the Kongres magazine and creating over 3,500 independent articles on the meetings industry in this eight-year timespan.
Hotel content marketing & storytelling
From our partnership with the International Meetings Review our content outreach is even more impressive – on average, each article is read by more than 53,000 of your potential customers.
Social connections (online + social content marketing)
Using our own method of social canvas, we already know the answers to the questions you need to ask, such as which posts will raise the maximum number of interactions, when is the best time for publication, how to most effectively inspire the viral spread of content and how to cheaply and more quickly build your sales databases through social networks.